Our ongoing R&D investment helps BAC offer you a complete set of solutions for Polairis evaporative closed circuit coolers that meet your needs. Plus, we also cater for extra requirements such as:


Plume control

Tap into abundant BAC plume control experience. For the Polairis line, we offer plume abatement coils with reduced plume and extended dry operation periods.
Check out our BAC plume visualization software for insight into how your cooling equipment will plume before installation. Helping you choose the best and most effective plume abatement solution.

Water savings

You need water for evaporative cooling. At BAC, however, we offer acclaimed and advanced water saving technologies. Helping in this aim are:


Enhanced hygiene and water care

Water circulates in closed circuit coolers and it is important to avoid excessive accumulation of dissolved solids. The following options help keep your cooler clean:

To control biological growth and scale formation, the water quality of the circulated water should be checked regularly. Water quality guidelines can be found in the Knowledge center of the website.

Year-round reliable operation

Inspect and maintain your cooler and protect it against extreme weather for year-round reliability. The options below help keep your cooler running smoothly and reliably and facilitate maintenance.

Do you too want to benefit from the above solutions? Contact your local BAC representative for more information.